Great Wall of China Marathon 2009


The First One to Speak Out the Truth(May 16,2009)

Today we happened to read an article saying about the Great Wall of China Marathon,we found that the writer is the only one and the first in this world today who really know the real Great Wall of China Marathon:

After reading Ginger's awesome Tokyo Marathon writeup, I saw in the replies a mentioning of people aiming to do the GWM marathon and I thought I would pipe in with something for people considering/dreaming of doing the GWM....

Last year I did the GWM and it was absolutely awesome (as I wrote in the race report on this board), however the mandatory $1300 USD package for just entry and 3 nights of 2star hotel stay did leave a little bad taste in my mouth about the whole experience....but I wasn't going to let it ruin the event for me totally, it was and IS still a great great memory!

Less than 10 days before I ran the GREAT WALL MARATHON (GWM), I stumbled upon a blog post about the GREAT WALL OF CHINA MARATHON (GWCM)....after reading about it, I began looking for more and more information and finding anything, even just the official page, was quite difficult as the internet is filled with news reports and links to the GWM....but after some digging I found the GWCM and am now preparing for running it as my next race....and this one only costs 98USD (for early bird rego), 188USD for late rego....

For anyone who is trying to figure out a way to run the Great Wall, I wanted to post a few thoughts about each so as to help people who want to run the great wall do it....a $1100USD price difference is really considerable (especially after you tack on the price of airfare from the states!)

While I will have to wait and see how the GWCM marathon experience is....I hope to have a great race to report on!

GWM ( )
-Runs every year in the 2nd half of May (around May 18th or so)
-Has a 42,21,10k
-Can only register as part of a package that is sold by a Travel Agent, I chose the cheapest one at ~1200 USD
-this includes 3 night hotel stay at a 2 star hotel
-Is put on by Adventure Marathons** ( )
-Is well marketed and well known
-The MAJORITY of the race is NOT on the Great Wall....only about 12k of the course is on the wall itself, the same section of wall you run once at the beginning and again at the end, but the majority of the race is on paved roads and up and around through some really amazing mountain villages and through some fields....again, see my race report, but I loved this part, but it caught some unaware that:
~1.5k of the trail is downhill on mud/grass uneven...I loved this part as I was able to really gain ground as it was just like hashing! Smile
-and also that some of the biggest hill climbs are no where near the wall (so don't use up all your gusto on the wall! Smile )
-that section of the wall is a closed course on race day
-Is a great experience with strong race day support and top notch marathon management
-The part of the wall you run on is actually in Tianjin (Huangyaguan Pass) (not that really matters to the casual tourist, but you won't be running in Beijing)
-The wall is 100% restored/not the original wall (well on that note, almost none of the accessible wall is original, but this part of the wall, is built for tourists and has safety lines painted on it, swept daily, and all the brickwork seemed flawless to me
-The race attracts a large entry crowd, which is great, but even for me at a ~18th percentile of the pack in this race, caused me to have to stop and stand and wait as there were too many people to navigate some of the single file evidenced by others race reports, this was an even larger problem further back in the pack

** = side note, my perception of Adventure Marathons is that they put on highly well organized tourist packaged marathons...very professional put on events, but at a price....if you look at their other advertised races, they are the same price if not more, and my impression is they are a very much for profit company (as most companies tend to be, and that's okay!)...also their advertising can be misleading...for example their Great Tibetian Marathon?  It's 100% in India, in an elevated geological region known as the "Tibetian Plane", it's miles from Tibet....but I guess, the great northern Indian marathon doesn't have the same ring to it....There are other cheaper (and while possibly less pampering/western tourist engaging...certainly more cultural experiencing)

GREAT WALL OF CHINA MARATHON                                       ( )
-Runs every year on May 1
-Has a 42,21,10k, 10kwalk, 5k  (although apparently, 2009 is the first year with the 42k)
-Far more grassroots/locally organized
-tends to attract smaller entry packs, this year's est total for all events appears to be in the 200-400 range, last years was ~150
--cool side note, they capitalize on the small pack size, including for the finish line, everyone gets to "break the tape" for completing the marathon
-Event itself has been around longer than the GWM
-Registration ranges from 98USD to 188USD depending on time of registration and includes 1 night at 3 star hotel
-Runs 100% on the Great Wall (Jinshanling and Simatai parts)
-purported similar support logisitics in place (water stations every 2k, etc...)
-looking at results, tends to attract more walkers, but at the same time, looking at the course, I think everyone is going to be walking/staggering at some point....the upside is less crowds to have to navigate
-However the wall is not a closed course, still have possible tourists/hikers, but seems to only be a potential problem at the entry gates where the numbers are heavier...
-That sections of the wall are more left to the elements, my observation is that while of course the wall has some maintenance, it is not compeletly revamped like the GWM section of wall (see photos below!)
-Course looks like it is much much harder than the GWM course, largely due to the mountainous region and condition of the wall....ladder usage and ledge navigation are a must....gotta be careful!

--Finally I think the biggest difference to me is seeing the pictures from each....if you google more you'll be able to find much more photos of the GWM to compare, but check out the below shots of the GWM compared to some shots from last year's GWCM!

Anyways, hope this info might be helpful to anyone wanting to come marathon the Great Wall....either race I think will be an adventure and wonderful experience...I just wanted people to know of the two marathons and maybe entice more people to realize that it doesnt require thousands of US dollars to run a marathon on the Great Wall Smile

If you want to see the photos in his article and the comments by other world runners,be sure to visit the webpage:

And tomorrow we will publish more photos about the Great Wall of China Marathon on May 1,2009.

(To be continued on May 17,2009!)


                       ---The Previous News---

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